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Our Communities

The Township of The Archipelago consists of several thousand islands in Georgian Bay and a number of inland, freshwater lakes, all of which are used for recreational purposes, either as cottages or year-round residences.  The lands in The Archipelago may be described as remote and sparsely populated.  While the essence of the Township is derived from its natural environment, the major concentrations of year-round residents occur in the communities of Pointe au Baril Station, Sans Souci and Woods Bay.

Pointe au Baril Station

Pointe au Baril Station contains the highest concentration of year-round residents in the Township.  It has a rich history and a strong sense of community.  It's urban-like character distinguishes it from the balance of the Township, functioning as a service centre for the seasonal and year-round population in the northern part of The Archipelago.  The Township's Pointe au Baril Community Centre, Wharf and Loading Area and the Georgian Cliffs Memorial Park Cemetery are located in Pointe au Baril, as well as many essential marine and retail services.   The Pointe au Baril and Area Nursing Station and ambulance base is located adjacent to the Community Centre in Pointe au Baril.

Pointe to the East
Pointe au Baril’s long history and unique development is recounted in a newly released documentary entitled Pointe to the East.  This 58-minute documentary is a special project undertaken by the Pointe au Baril Canada Day 150 Planning Group to mark Canada's 150th birthday. 

Please click here to watch this amazing documentary.

If you are planning a visit to Pointe au Baril and would like more information, please visit the Pointe au Baril Community website.

To see Pointe au Baril on an interactive map, click here.

Woods Bay

Woods Bay is an area of natural beauty on Georgian Bay, located at the mouth of the Moon River in the southern part of The Archipelago.  In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the community of Moon River was established in this area.  It was a vibrant community including a school, church, post office and a permanent population that earned its living through hunting, fishing and forestry.  Portions of this historic community remain in the Woods Bay area.
Woods Bay and the Moon River Basin are part of an internationally renowned landscape that generates significant attraction and appeal both within and outside of the Township.  The population is comprised of both seasonal and permanent residents.  Woods Bay forms an important service centre for contractors and property owners as it provides a well protected harbour and is the only area in the southern part of The Archipelago with road access to Georgian Bay.  There are several local tourist operations and marinas providing services to residents and visitors. 

The Woods Bay area is heavily influenced by the presence of the Massasauga Provincial Park with the main access to the Park being located on Woods Bay off of the Healey Lake Road. For additional information, please email the Woods Bay Community Association.

To see Woods Bay on an interactive map, click here.

Sans Souci 

As described in Passion for Georgian Bay, the development of the Sans Souci area revolved around fishing with the establishment of fishing clubs, hotels and lodges in the late 1800s. After 1900, settlement increased with the coming of improved railway and steamship services.

Today, the Sans Souci area contains one of the most heavily travelled waterways in The Archipelago.  Local residents and transient boaters make use of a number of natural harbours, Provincial picnic sites and the Massasauga Provincial Park. Located on Georgian Bay in the southern portion of The Archipelago, south of Parry Sound and north of Twelve Mile Bay, the Sans Souci area attracts residents and cottagers from all over the world.

An in-depth history of Sans Souci is provided in Island Odyssey: A History of the Sans Souci Area of Georgian Bay produced by the Historical Committee of the Sans Souci and Copperhead Association in 1990.  Today, the Sans Souci and Copperhead Association operates a community centre on Frying Pan Island which provides extensive dockage, a dock house and a schoolhouse where many social activities are held throughout the summer months.  The Sans Souci Tennis Club manages the tennis courts also located on Frying Pan Island.  For more information regarding activities in the Sans Souci area, please visit the Sans Souci and Copperhead Association website.

To see Sans Souci on an interactive map, click here

Stewards of the Bay Video Series

Featured below are a series of ten minute episodes highlighting the passion and commitment of Sans Souci and Cooperhead Association (SSCA) and South Channel Association (SCA) cottagers to preserving the unique habitat of the Georgian Bay. Topics range from successful loon nest platforms to removing invasive species to shoreline clean up efforts and many more! Together these videos highlight around 30 of our community members.

These videos were created as a part of the Georgian Bay Association’s (GBA) larger Guardians of the Bay Initiative to spotlight cottagers who take an active role in preserving the special Georgian Bay environment.