By-laws are created in order to address issues and concerns of the local community. They are created to protect the environment, public health, public safety or to maintain an orderly appearance in your community.
The following are copies of some of the Township's By-laws most requested by the Public.
For any inquiries regarding these By-laws or if you require a copy of a By-law not on this list, please contact the Township's Clerk.
- ATV, Multi-Purpose and Recreational Vehicles (By-law 15-24)
- Noise By-law (By-law 22-29)
- Bear Feeding (By-law 12-31)
- Clean Yards (By-law 14-29)
- Driveway Entrances and Approvals (By-law 15-45)
- Fertilizers (By-law 03-21)
- Fire Safety Guidelines / Outdoor Burning
- Firearms (By-law 90-79)
- Fires and Open Burning (By-law 17-21)
- Fireworks (By-law 17-20)
- Fireworks Information and Safety Guidelines
- Lottery Licences and Regulations (By-law 98-19)
- Parking in Public Parks, Including Pointe au Baril Dock and Wharf (By-law 15-31)
- Procedural By-law 2017-07 (Consolidated - Last Updated in 2022)
- Roads - Classification / Load Periods / Parking / Speed Limits (By-law 15-43)
- Roads - Community Safety Zones (By-law 11-43, as amended)
- Roads - Level of Service Policy (By-law 15-44)
- Sign By-law 98-40, as amended
- Smoke Free (By-law 03-44)
- Waste Management and Fees (By-law 12-19)
- Waste Management and Fees (by-law 22-08, effective June 1st, 2022)